RVH 12 scalp Toner RVH 12 頭皮護理水


|||The birth story of RVH 12 scalp toner

This is the scalp version of my RV 12 toner for face :)  I always struggle with oily scalp.  One day, I decided to test out RV 12 on my scalp to see if it controlled oil production of my scalp like it did to my face.  Since RV 12 toner worked great on my skin, why not?  We can definitely apply the same concept of skincare on hair products for great result.   Detoxifying your scalp and maintaining its optimal pH is very important and is the first step for healthy scalp and hair.  It helps to balance the water and oil level of your scalp and drain out toxin/products that got clogged in your hair follicles. When your scalp is healthy, your hair follicles will be healthy too!  I use it everyday and I really can't live without this!  It just works great on me to keep my scalp healthy and fresh. 

RVH 12 is the first treatment toner specially created for scalp health on the market. Unlike RV 12 facial toner, I focused more on major hair problems and added anti-hair loss ingredients including biotin, rosemary hydrosol, minerals, natural moisturizing ingredients, Vitamin B3, and Indian gooseberry for grey hair management.  It is very suitable for people who are struggling with oily scalps and also teenagers.

Used in conjunction with the Savon Mama Peptide Scalp Treatment Serum, it will bring even more amazing results.  RVH 12 cleans the scalp and helps the Peptide Scalp Treatment Serum to absorb even better and to speed up the results.

To use: after hair wash, when your hair is still damp, apply RVH12 directly onto scalp and massage. Wait one minute, then apply Savon Mama Peptide Scalp Treatment Serum on the scalp, focusing on the hairline and areas that need more attention.  Style as usual.  If you do not wash your hair every day, I would recommend to use it daily.  Non-greasy formula.

If you only struggle from oily scalp / scalp odor, RVH 12 is sufficient.  If you also struggle from hair thinning, I recommend combining RVH 12 with Savon Mama Peptide Scalp Treatment Serum for maximum results.

Silicones, Phthalates and Parabens free.|||

RVH 12 for hair 誕生的故事


本人頭皮好油,day day都要洗頭。兩星期前忽然奇想,如果應用RV12係頭皮上,balance 頭皮pH度,咪一樣可以平衡水油囉?其實用護膚嘅概念,應用喺頭髮用品上,係好work㗎 !pH酸鹼度對頭皮嘅健康係非常重要。佢可以幫助水油平衡,令頭皮唔會不停咁出油、補充水份。塞住hair follicles 嘅頭髮用品,包括洗頭水、護髮素、Hair spray等等嘅hair products 或者多餘嘅油脂要清除咗佢,等頭髮毛囊健康起嚟,先至有得生頭髮㗎 !就係咁我就開始每日使用RV12喺自己嘅頭皮上面。點知驚為天人!勁好用!而家日日都要用,唔用唔得。因為頭皮變得健康、冇咁油、最surprise 係,用完頭髮都爽咗、健康咗、頭油味減半、吹頭時間短咗好多。

就係咁,我決定造一支treatment toner 比頭皮,因為其實頭皮都需要保養、清理角質、同埋排毒。但係往往我哋就最忽略頭皮嘅護理。RVH 12 就係市場上第一支專為頭皮而設嘅Treatment Toner。同RV12 唔同,因為我仲加入咗防脫髮成份包括Biotin、迷迭香純露、頭髮營養礦物質、天然保濕因子、維他命B3、同埋能幫助白髪問題同埋促進頭髮生長嘅印度鵝莓(又稱為醋栗)萃取物(大家可以上網搵吓有關「醋栗」對於白髮變黑嘅研究參考一下)。對於一d油頭人、teenagers etc. 非常適合。

配合我之前研究嘅Peptide 頭皮精華一齊使用: RVH12用來清理頭皮,為頭皮健康作好準備,令Peptide 頭皮精華更加吸收, 加快成效。

用法簡單:每日洗頭後,將RVH12 直接滴係頭皮上,然後按摩。之後將Peptide 頭皮精華集中咁樣揸喺頭髮薄弱嘅地方如髪線等等。按摩一下,照樣吹頭就可以啦。如果你唔係日日洗頭嘅話,我都會建議你每日使用。不油膩配方。


淨係睇啲料都知道真材實料。不含Silicones, Phthalates同埋Parabens. 所有頭質都啱用,唔係外面一般十蚊八蚊嘅貨仔可以媲美。其實佢地大部份都含有Silicone, 俾你有錯覺覺得頭髮滑嘟嘟,其實係矽膠嚟㗎 !對頭髮一啲效用都無,而且封住毛囊,令毛囊缺氧。|||